The Whitsunday Climate Change Innovation Hub is ramping up its activities with the appointment of a new Coordinator role late last year.

An initiative of Whitsunday Regional Council, the Hub opened its doors for the first time in September 2018 and will be an integral part of the new Council Administration Building in Proserpine.

Aiming to improve the resilience of the Whitsunday region in the face of increasing climate change hazards such as storm tide and coastal erosion, the Hub acts as the interface between researchers, stakeholders, council and the community.

Olivia Brodhurst, Coordinator of the Climate Change Innovation Hub, said the new role was an exciting opportunity for the region.

“I will be rolling out several programs which aim to offer real-world, innovative solutions to assist our region in facing climate change challenges,” she said.

“Our region has over 500km of coastline and there are a wide range of mitigation and adaptation options to be investigated.”

“The Hub is a unique initiative and will be a centre of information and knowledge sharing for not just the Whitsundays, but for the wider region and Queensland.”

An experienced Environmental Scientist, Ms Brodhurst has worked closely with industry and the community over many years to improve the resilience of the Whitsunday region.

If you would like to know more about the Hub and its projects, visit the website and make sure to like and follow our dedicated Facebook page for the latest updates -

Contact the Hub:

Phone: 07 4846 9411

Email: [email protected]

Address: 190 Shute Harbour Road, Cannonvale QLD 4802 (TAFE campus)

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