This notice is published in accordance with section 29B(4) of the Local Government Act 2019 and may be cited as the Mareeba Shire Council (Making of Local Laws) Website Notice (No. 3) 2019.

Making of Local Laws

Mareeba Shire Council (“the Council”) has, by resolution dated 18 December 2019, made Local Law No. 7 (Aerodromes) 2019.

Local Laws Repealed 

Subordinate Local Law No. 7 (Aerodromes) 2019 also repeals:- Local Law No. 2 (Meetings) 2008;


The purpose of this local law is to regulate the use and operation of aerodromes controlled by the local government The purpose is to be achieved by—

(a)       protecting the public against risk of injury and the community against damage; and

(b)      ensuring that activities at the aerodromes are undertaken in an orderly and safe manner and do not create a hazard to public health or a threat to property; and

(c)       controlling the public use of the aerodromes to the extent that the use is consistent with the rights, expectations and safety of the local community; and

(d)      protecting the obstacle limitation surfaces (OLS) and minimising hazards to aircraft; and

(e)      providing for—

fees and charges for the rights described in paragraph (c); and the powers and authority of persons authorised by the local government for the purposes of this local law; and penalties for breaches of the local law; and liability arising out of use of the aerodrom The local law contains anti-competitive provisions.

A copy of the local law may be—

inspected and purchased at the local government’s public office — 65 Rankin Street, Mareeba, Queensland 4880; and viewed by the public on the Department of Local Government, Racing, and Multicultural Affairs website.


Chief Executive Officer MAREEBA SHIRE COUNCIL