Community feedback is needed on the Shire of Augusta Margaret River’s Draft Climate Action Plan, which sets out practical steps for reducing local greenhouse gas emissions.
The plan identifies a wide range of actions to be undertaken by the Shire as an organisation, and actions to assist the community to reduce emissions and achieve carbon reduction targets.
Developed in partnership with the community, the plan incorporates outcomes from the community-driven Climate Action Summit held last year and incorporates the Shire’s Local Energy Action Plan that has been in place for over nine years.
Shire Chief Executive Officer, Stephanie Addison-Brown said the Shire was committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions from its corporate operations and showing leadership supporting the broader community to reduce emissions.
“We are seeing some really tangible results in reducing our corporate emissions from electricity used in Shire owned or managed buildings, Shire vehicles and machinery.
“However there is a lot more we need to do.
“This plan sets out clear corporate and community emissions reduction targets over the next 10-30 years, with the actions we need to take to achieve them,” she said.
Shire President Ian Earl emphasised the importance of acting at a local level to tackle the issue of climate change.
“It is easy to get overwhelmed by all the doom and gloom but taking action locally is a great way overcome this.
“Community-led initiatives like the development of a renewable energy power sharing system being spearheaded by the Augusta Margaret River Clean Community Energy group is an example of meaningful local action.
“Local governments have the capacity to influence activities that contribute a significant amount of our national greenhouse gas emissions.
“When combined, the efforts of local government and their communities can make a real difference.
“I really encourage all members of our community to take a look at the plan and give feedback,” he said.
Have your say on the Draft Climate Action Plan by 1 March 2020 by visiting
Hard copies are available from the Augusta and Margaret River Shire Offices. For more information please contact Katie on [email protected]
Get involved in local action on climate! Join Climate Action Augusta Margaret River. Email [email protected] or find them on Facebook.