K5 Calicivirus release
Shire of Harvey 27 Feb 2020

In order to manage the current population of pest rabbits in the Shire of Harvey, the Department of Biodiversity Conservation and Attractions will be undertaking the k5 rabbit virus release work between 1 March to 22 May 2020.

The work will be undertaken within the localities of Clifton Park, Galway Green and Leschenault (Estuary Foreshore).

Calicivirus is spread from wild rabbits, in the air and on clothing and hands, fleas also transmit the virus from rabbit to rabbit. Calicivirus does not pose a risk to humans and other non-rabbit species. As this disease targets rabbits, domestic and pet rabbits could be affected. Rabbit owners need to ensure their pet rabbits are vaccinated.

In Western Australia, rabbits are a declared pest of agriculture under the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007, as they can damage nature reserves and ecosystems, assets and infrastructure.

The Department suggests contacting your local vet to ensure pet rabbits are vaccinated.