From a local music festival to an artistic development seminar in Finland, five local artists and groups have received funding under the Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF), which will reopen for a third round on Sunday, 1 March, 2020.

Local artists and community groups are being invited to apply for the latest round of funding, to assist with getting their arts projects off the ground to share with the community.

A Council spokesperson said RADF promotes the role and value of arts, culture and heritage as key drivers of diverse and inclusive communities and strong regions.

“Council would like to once again acknowledge the strong support from the Queensland Government towards the delivery of its RADF 2019-20 programme,” the spokesperson said.

“This ongoing joint partnership programme invests in local arts and cultural priorities, as determined by local communities across Queensland and here in Livingstone, there is an abundance of talented residents who bring joy to the community through their work.

“RADF assistance is offered to individuals and organisations for projects such as individual professional development, skills development workshops, creative development of new work, cultural tourism - projects which focus on identity and heritage, exhibitions and collections/stories, regional partnerships – for collaborative innovative arts projects, and arts events and performances.

“Some of the recent recipients include Keppel Coast Arts which will use its funding to establish a community based committee to assist with the management of the new art gallery spaces in Livingstone Shire. Yeppoon Little Theatre Group Inc will host a six-day intensive workshop for teenagers in the region with its funding, while local artist Julie Barrat will attend an artist residency at the Arteles Creative Centre in Finland in March 2020 for professional and artistic development.

“Council strongly encourages artists and groups of all kinds to consider applying for funding online.”

Minister Enoch said RADF is a vital part of Arts funding, and one that the Palaszczuk Government is complementing with the establishment of the Regional Arts Services Network (RASN).

“The Regional Arts Services Network is a new approach to delivering state-wide arts services with Queensland Government funding of $6.5 million over four years,” Ms Enoch said.

“Projects funded through RADF provide pathways for learning, contribute to the creation of jobs, foster creativity and boost cultural tourism.”

To apply, please visit Round 3 opens 1 March 2020 and will close on 27 March for projects beginning after 1 May 2020.

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