Naroo Frail Aged Care Facility – Gwydir Shire Council COVID-19 Precautions UPDATED 25/03/2020
Gwydir Shire Council 25 Mar 2020

As of Thursday 26th March 2020 Naroo Frail Aged Care Facility will be going into voluntary lock down.

This has been a difficult decision but it is imperative to keep our residents as safe and healthy as possible.

This decision has been made on recent information of confirmed COVID-19 cases within the area, and in consultation with local Medical staff and Gwydir Shire Council. All families/carers will be contacted in regards to this decision.

We are very aware of social isolation and are working hard with the IT department to set up Skype and utilise FaceTime so that relatives can remain in contact with their loved ones.

Essential travel to Medical appointments will continue and residents will be assessed on an individual basis.

Families will be contacted on a regular basis by staff to let them know how their loved ones are coping. All staff will be screened at the beginning of each shift to ensure they are fit for work.

If in the event that one of our residents becomes very ill and requires palliative care, visitors will be allowed ensuring infection control measures are kept in place.

We hope this crisis passes quickly and that our residents, families and staff at Naroo remain healthy and safe.

We also thank you all for your understanding and patience during this time.

Please do not hesitate to contact the Aged Care Manager Sharon Baker 0267291314 or Mobile 0437134501 for any concerns or queries.

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