Livingstone Shire Council will close all of its libraries, Customer Support Centres, pools including the Yeppoon Lagoon and The Community Centre from close of business today to assist in slowing the spread of the novel coronavirus COVID-19.

Residents will still be able to connect with Council online and via telephone (07) 4913 5000.

Acting CEO Brett Bacon said the changes are in line with the Australian Government’s latest restrictions in order to slow the spread of coronavirus and will provide the community with another measure of protection.

“From close of business today, the public will no longer be able to access Libraries including Yeppoon, Emu Park, Byfield and Marlborough, as well as The Community Centre in John Street and Customer Support Centres at the Yeppoon Town Hall and Emu Park Library,” Mr Bacon said.

“The public can still access playgrounds and skate parks as well as the Kraken but Council is encouraging residents to maintain social distancing while using these spaces.”

Mayor Bill Ludwig said Council is taking the rapidly changing situation very seriously and monitoring it closely with the community’s health and safety as its priority.

“We understand these arrangements will have an impact on how people interact with Council which is why we are taking steps to make this process as smooth as possible for everyone,” Mayor Ludwig said.

“We know a lot of people come into Council buildings to do their business with the organisation, however there is a simple alternative we are encouraging the community to make use of, by signing up to Council’s suite of Online Services which are available 24/7.

“This means you can lodge requests, pay rates, water and animal registrations, lodge building applications and a whole range of other services from your computer or device.

Acting CEO Brett Bacon said Council is enacting its Business Continuity Plans to continue delivery of essential services to the community.

Council will continue to monitor the ongoing advice from the State and Federal Governments and keep the community up to date particularly through channels such as Facebook and Council’s website. Visit

If you need any information relating to COVID-19, please contact the lead agency, Queensland Health via or by phoning 13 HEALTH.

Public Facility closures in Livingstone:

•Public Pools – including Marlborough, Emu Park, Cooee Bay and Yeppoon Lagoon •Customer Support – including Yeppoon Town Hall and Emu Park Library •Libraries – including Yeppoon (84 John Street), Emu Park (9 Hill Street), Marlborough (Marlborough Historical Museum), Byfield (Historic Raspberry Creek Homestead) •The Community Centre – 80 John Street •Tip Shop – Yeppoon Landfill

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