MEDIA RELEASE 27 March 2020
Livestreaming story times and craft sessions on Facebook, introducing temporary eMemberships, and expanding the digital resources available on its website are some of the ways Bathurst Library is providing services during the current COVID-19 restrictions.
Mayor Bobby Bourke said many areas of Council are adapting their programs and making them available online.
“Library staff have been busy behind the scenes developing online content for their members and our residents. The team has been very creative and has already held a very popular online story time session,” he said.
Manager Library Services Patou Clerc said the doors at Bathurst Library may be closed but staff are still providing library services to residents, just in a different way.
“We’ve had to work quickly but we are now offering live storytelling and virtual kids’ programs via Facebook, which have received great feedback from the community,” Ms Clerc said. “We are also boosting the research and information resources available on our website, including a new Kids Online page, which offers interactive stories, literacy skills, online learning games, coding and much more.”
Ms Clerc said the library’s free eLibrary will also prove invaluable to residents during this time as it offers thousands of eBooks, eAudiobooks and eMagazines that can be downloaded to your smartphone, tablet or computer.
Current Bathurst Library members can already access these resources with their membership number and PIN. However, a new eMembership has been introduced so more people can join the library and obtain access to a wide range of eResources, such as film streaming.
“Simply go to our website page to join up and we will email you all the details on how to get started,” Ms Clerc said. “This will be a temporary membership but it can be easily transferred to a permanent membership when the library doors open again.”
While loan periods have been extended from four to eight weeks, anyone wishing to return items can do so by placing them in the returns chute (near the doors). Staff are also currently available to answer any queries from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday. To stay tuned to what’s happening at Bathurst Library, follow them on Facebook or visit
More information: Patou Clerc: Manager Library Services
P 02 6333 6281, [email protected]