Redland City Council has announced that Shayher Group is the preferred expression of interest (EOI) proponent for the revitalisation of the Capalaba Town Centre.

The next step in developing the Capalaba CBD proposal is for Redland Investment Corporation (RIC), Council and the proponent to progress concept details and expectations before a future decision and agreement by the next Council.

Shayher Group has extensive national experience delivering quality mixed-use developments. Examples include the W Hotel in the Brisbane Quarter precinct, the former CSIRO site in Indooroopilly and former Government landholdings in Northshore Hamilton.

The Capalaba Centre Master Plan, adopted by Council in 2010, identified key areas of need at Capalaba including an active town square, a need to improve pedestrian movement, and repositioning Capalaba and activating it as a primary employment, transit and mixed-use development centre with an after-hours economy.

In 2019 Council engaged RIC to implement a crucial part of Council’s Master Plan and vision for a vibrant Town Centre acting as the heart of Capalaba.

The project will incorporate a new library and community centre.

Once the draft Capalaba Town Centre master plan has been finalised, community engagement will be conducted to ensure all Redlands Coast community members, business and stakeholder groups have opportunity to view the proposals and provide their feedback.

The next step of the process is for a detailed design to be developed that matches the Council planning scheme and for commercial agreements to be negotiated.