Community update COVID-19 Tuesday 31 March 2020
Shire of Ashburton 31 Mar 2020

As we continue to follow advice and recommendations from State and Federal Government to reduce the spread of COVID-19, please be advised of the following.

Our customer service and administration buildings are closed to members of the public but we are still available on phone (08 9188 4444) and email ( to answer your queries.

Waste collection services are remaining as normal and all waste disposal facilities are open. Please ensure you maintain social distancing if you are visiting any of our waste disposal sites.

Our town maintenance crews are continuing to look after each of our towns ensuring they continue to be vibrant communities for us to live in at this time.

Public playgrounds, parks and dog exercise areas are closed and all public barbecues are in the process of being disconnected.

We are extending outdoor lighting at our ovals where possible to enable the community to exercise alone or with one other person as per the Government guidelines.

All other facilities including swimming pools, libraries, gymnasiums and sporting facilities remain closed.

Please use our CAR form on our website to report any issues or faults that we need to be made aware of.

A reminder that the guidance to all Australians is to stay home unless for:

shopping for what you need - food and necessary supplies; medical or health care needs, including compassionate requirements; exercise in compliance with the public gathering requirements; work and study if you can’t work or learn remotely.

The WA Government is bringing in $1,000 on-the-spot fines for individuals and $5,000 fines for businesses who disobey these rules.

From 11.59PM Wednesday 1 April, travel across regional WA will be restricted, people will be able to travel within our region, but will not be able to cross in to another region unless they are exempt.

These exemptions include people returning to their primary residence, parents needing to drop children off for formal or informal custody arrangements and primary producers moving across regions to go to their other agricultural properties.

If you need to cross a region you should ensure you drive with your driver’s licence and ask your employer to write a letter why you need to travel across the region. More information is available from

Community members are advised that road blocks will be in place in some areas and police will be doing random patrols. Fines of up to $50,000 apply for someone caught doing the wrong thing.

For media information contact:

Alison Lennon, Manager Media and Communications, Shire of Ashburton

M: 0409 314 140 | E:

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