News Alert |
Ballarat (City) 3 Mar 2020

Ballarat cafes and restaurants eager to serve up healthy meal options for children are being encouraged to participate in a survey. 

Three Monash University Masters of Dietetics students are surveying Ballarat cafes and restaurants to gauge their interest on the feasibility of developing a local healthy children’s menu program. 

The City of Ballarat is considering a pilot program to trial an annual rewards program that encourages and promotes cafes and restaurants with healthy kids’ meals for children. 

The program would help parents and carers to identify where to take their family for a healthy meal and what to choose on the menu. 

The Masters of Dietetic students, based at the City of Ballarat as part of a seven-week work placement, will also ask café and restaurant owners and managers if they support a broader program that recognises their efforts in accessibility, sustainability and reduced levels of food waste. 

The initiative links to the City of Ballarat’s Good Food for All 2019-2022 and the Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan. 

The City of Ballarat is a signatory to the Victorian Child Friendly Cities and Communities Charter. The Charter recognises the need for children to participate in decision-making forms and the creation of child-friendly environment. More information about the CFCC initiative can be found at

Want to get involved? Contact the City of Ballarat’s Health and Wellbeing Planner Caroline Amirtharajah on 5320 5500 or email carolineamirtharajah [at]