International Women’s Day was yesterday, Sunday 8 March. To celebrate we are doing a profile of a woman that works at Central Desert Regional Council, Julie Whittaker. She has just received a five year service award.
How long have you been with CDRC?
Over 5 years
What position/s are you in / have you had?
I started with CDRC on a fixed term contract with Customer Service and Works. Due to restructure I ended up working with Works on a full time bases as the Senior Administration Officer. An opportunity arose to further my administration skill so I put in an expression of interest for the Executive Assistant role. I started in October 2019 and this is my current position. The role of the Executive Assistant has allowed me to find out a bit more about what Council does and what processes we need to follow for Local Government.
What is your favourite thing about working for CDRC?
I would have to say the staff. You always learn something new.
Why is your position important?
I guess for me it would be to make sure the Executive Team and staff members are providing the correct information for travel and helping to complete tasks for the organisation if I have the knowledge to assist.
What do you like doing outside of work?
Spending as much time as possible with my grandchildren.