Twenty-one local government areas across Queensland, including Livingstone, have received new annual land valuations this week, as released by the Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy.

The valuations reflected land values on 1 October 2019 and showed Livingstone Shire had decreased by 2.4 per cent overall since the last valuation in 2017.

To make rates as fair as possible, Council calculates a rate charge by multiplying a property's average rateable value by a dollar rate in accordance with the Local Government Regulation.

The dollar rate used to calculate charges depends upon a property's rating category, which is based on its main land use. Last year Livingstone Shire had 43 rating categories.

A reduction or increase in a community's property values does not necessarily result in an equal reduction or increase in the costs of providing services to that community.

The required rates revenue is therefore spread across a community according to the distribution of its property values.

This distribution of property values across a community typically fluctuates from year to year. Some years a drop or rise in value can be evenly spread across all properties. Other years, some properties will experience a dip or rise in value that is steeper than other properties in the region.

The relatively fixed cost of providing adequate services, combined with uneven levels of property value changes, explains why a drop or rise in a property's value doesn't necessarily result in an associated drop or rise in its rates.

The State Government’s Department of Natural Resources and Mines and Energy (DNRME) Valuer-General is responsible for valuing all properties in the region. Any valuation enquiries should be directed to DNRME on 13 74 68.

Landowners can access the latest valuation data using the find your annual valuation online search available on the Land Valuations website:

The valuation listing for Livingstone can also be viewed at the Yeppoon Town Hall, 25 Normanby Street, Yeppoon during normal business hours until close of business on 2 June 2020. For a more detailed breakdown of the Livingstone Shire valuations follow the link below:

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