TimeoutClient did not get response within #1000 ms Yass Valley - Coronavirus (COVID-19) update 2020
Coronavirus (COVID-19) update
Yass Valley Council 16 Mar 2020
Coronavirus (COVID-19) update

Yass Valley Council is constantly monitoring the COVID-19 situation and taking our advice and instructions from the Australian Government Department of Health.

The health and safety of our community is our highest priority. We wish to reassure our residents that it is business as usual and, at this stage, all Council facilities remain open as normal.

Council refers residents to information provided by the Australian Government Department of Health, and we will be following their instructions and guidelines. Our number one priority, should the virus escalate, will be maintaining provision of essential services such as water and wastewater services and waste collection. We have increased our hygiene practices within Council, in particular our main facilities and areas that are open to the public, for example the Library, Visitor’s Information Centre and Council Office. There are hand sanitisers and tissues etc. available at these places and surfaces are being wiped over regularly. The most important thing we can do is to follow NSW Department of Health guidelines and practise good hygiene to protect against infection and prevent the virus spreading. We will update the community on Council events if necessary, but at this stage, all events/meetings are running as normal as we do not expect crowds of over 500.

Please visit the Australian Department of Health for up-to-date Coronavirus (COVID-19) health alerts.

16 March 2020

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