The safety and wellbeing of our employees, volunteers and customers is a priority for Coffs Harbour City Council and we are following the advice of the Australian Government, World Health Organisation (WHO) and NSW Health in the implementation of workplace measures to help minimise any possible infections.

We have provided hand sanitisers and advisory notices at entry points of our facilities for staff and customers. We are also ensuring our employees have relevant hygiene and health information. All of these practices, and our business decisions, are being informed by guidance from the WHO, the Australian government and the NSW Department of Health.

We are also encouraging members of the community, especially older and vulnerable people, to consider the nature of their enquiries before attending our Customer Service Centre or facilities in person.

We would suggest that people call Council on 02 6648 4000 or email us via [email protected] in the first instance. Anyone needing to make account payments is being asked either to use the online payment options detailed on the account, or call Council.

Reliable resources for information regarding the COVID-19 virus are:

Council is taking a risk management approach to the pandemic and seeking to minimise any potential impact.

We will be postponing this year’s Harmony Festival, which was due to be held on March 29, as per the directive issued by the NSW Government to not run events at which 500 or more people are expected.

Similarly, in the interests of public safety, Council will be postponing our programs and activities that we run in our facilities that attract smaller numbers of people until April 14 – at which point it will be reviewed.

The NSW Senior State Oz Tag Championships, due to be held from March 27-29 at the C.ex Coffs International Stadium has been postponed by the organisers, who will announce new dates in due course.

Council will also be advising any other organisations that use or hire our venues to abide by the NSW Government directive and review their planned activities as per the health advice issued by the WHO, the Australian government and the NSW Department of Health. This will include regular users of our venues and facilities.

The situation is constantly evolving and we have set up an internal team that is proactively coordinating Council’s approach to the risk. This team will continue to meet throughout the course of the pandemic to manage the impacts of the COVID-19 virus on our people and our services to the community.