In response to Covid-19, Livingstone Shire Council has cancelled all of its public programmes and activities for the remainder of March, April and May.

This includes Council-delivered events and activities scheduled at all Livingstone Libraries, the Community Centre and other facilities.

For community groups or clubs who use Council owned facilities or venues; they are to determine whether or not their events will go ahead, so long as they comply with the Federal Government’s restrictions.

Two of the major events cancelled include Krabtastic Festival at Keppel Sands on April 10 – 11 and Beef to Beach, which was scheduled for 31 May.

Council will inform residents on the status of other Council organised events or events held at Council facilities scheduled in the near future, as the situation unfolds.

The Library has implemented a loan period of six weeks and up to 50 items can be borrowed, with online renewal available.

Everyone can take advantage of the free digital library to access books, music, movies and more. Join for free on Council’s Library webpage

Residents are also encouraged to sign up to Council’s suite of online services available 24/7 which includes animal registrations, rates payments and more at,

Council has a business continuity plan in place to make sure that essential community services continue.

Council appreciates the community’s patience and co-operation during this time and encourages residents to follow the advice of Queensland Health as well as the Queensland and Australian Governments.

There are 5 ways we can all help stop the spread of virus:

• Clean your hands regularly with soap and water or alcohol-based hand rubs; • Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue or bent elbow when coughing or sneezing; • Avoid touching your face, nose and mouth, and avoid shaking hands; • Stay home if you are unwell; • Avoid contact with anyone who is unwell – try to stay 1.5 metres away from anyone coughing or sneezing.

For more information and all of the latest updates and alerts on (COVID-19), please visit

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