Due to increasing public concern over the health impacts of Coronavirus, particularly among older people in our community, the Council has made the decision that the Dementia-Friendly Central Coast – Connect Café initiative will be postponed from 17 March until further notice. This is a precautionary measure to ensure that we reduce the potential spread of the Disease throughout our community.
We would like to share the video below in celebration of the Connect Café.
We would like to thank café patrons and volunteer Café Attendants whose enthusiasm and dedication has made the Connect Café such a success from week to week. We would also like to thank members of Working Group, whose collective vision in bringing the Connect Café concept to the community was seminal to the Connect Café creating a positive difference to those in our community living with dementia and their carers. Also, thank you to those who have contributed funding for the initiative, including Council, a Liveable Community Grant from the Sport and Recreation Division of Premier and Cabinet and a grant from the Tasmanian Community Fund.
Once again, thank you for your support and we hope to see you all again soon.