We are here to support isolated, older residents or those with a disability through the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) outbreak.

Current advice

The Australian Government has issued advice for senior residents and those with a disability*. The strong advice is for self-isolation at home to the maximum extent practicable for those:

Coronavirus has more serious impacts on older residents, those over 70 years of age and Australians with existing health conditions. These groups should limit contact with others as much as possible when they travel outside.

We encourage older residents and those with a disability to stay home. Council can offer a wide range of support to help you self isolate to stay safe.

Victorian restrictions

Victoria has commenced Stage 3 restrictions to help our community safe and slow the spread of COVID-19. If you can stay home, stay home.

There are now only four reasons to leave your home:

Go to work To get brief daily exercise To get medical care To buy things you need when you need them. Assistance

There are many services available for older residents who wish to follow the strong advice and self-isolate

The Victorian Department of Health and Human Services - can provide free care packages with enough goods to last for two weeks if you are vulnerable, isolated at home and in urgent need. Call 1800 675 398 to order a care package.

Red Cross - the State Government is providing emergency relief packages coordinated by the Red Cross in partnership with Foodbank Victoria.  The package offers a two week supply of food and essential items. Call 1800 675 398.

BayCISS provides emergency relief by offering food parcels and/or vouchers, information, advocacy, casework and referral services to residents experiencing isolation or financial difficulty. Please visit the agency located at 12 Katoomba Street, Hampton East or give us a call on 9555 9910.  Opening hours are 10am to 2pm each weekday.  If you are unable to get through on the phone, you can email manager [at] bayciss.org.au or via their website.


If you have family, friends or neighbours who can shop for you, please utilise their support. Family and friends can also help you to order shopping online to be delivered to your door. You can ask that your shopping is left at the door to minimise contact with other people.

We can also shop for you. Contact Council on 9599 4444 to arrange this service.

Online shopping

There are a number of online shopping options:

Woolworths Basic Box

Woolworths and Australia Post are offering “Woolworths Basics Box" containing meals, snacks and essential items. The boxes are for anyone with a current illness who can’t leave the house, or who has a disability, or who is currently quarantined/self-isolating, or who is 60 years or older. You can also refer someone else for a box.  The cost of a box is $80 plus delivery.

Please click here or call 1800 904 698 for more information.

Pharmacy deliveries

Many local pharmacies will do home deliveries. Call your local pharmacy to check if they will deliver.

Australia Post has launched a Pharmacy Home Delivery Service to support vulnerable members of the community and those in self-isolation, so they can have ongoing access to essential medications. Check with your local pharmacy to see if they are part of this service.

Flu vaccines

Our 2020 Influenza vaccine program has not yet commenced.

Please contact your GP to arrange a flu vaccination.

Council support in your home

We provide a range of services designed to support you, or the person you care for, to stay active and independent for as long as possible:

Meals and shopping Transport Cleaning assistance Showering and hygiene assistance Safety related home maintenance Respite care.

Our staff adhere to strict health and hygiene guidelines as outlined by the Department of Health and Human Services.

Contact us on 9599 4444 to find out more about these services.

Help to stay connected

We can help you stay connected during self-isolation. We have staff that can visit you in your home or have a chat through our new social connection program.

We can also connect you to other local agencies or support services for additional assistance. Avoiding social isolation is an essential part of maintaining our residents’ health and wellbeing.

Contact us on 9599 4444 to find out more about these services.

Other services and support

While our libraries are closed, our online library is still open with a vast array of online books, magazines, videos and more.

The Australian Government’s Head to Health website includes a range of online mental health support tips and advice including information on how to access support

SANE Australia Help Centre is staffed by qualified counsellors who can provide you with brief phone and online counselling, support, information and referrals. Visit their website or call 1800187263

Contact us

If you are in need of assistance, Council can help. Call us on 9599 4444 to speak with one of our friendly team.

*as at 1 April 2020