Lithgow Library Learning Centre has been actively working to support the community through the Covid-19 service closure. The Library Team has improved access to library resources, and overall long-term service delivery.

The community can now join online and use their on-line membership number to access the e-resources immediately. This means enjoying our; free streaming service Beamafilm, ebook platform RBdigital, providing ebooks, eaudios, emagazines & it’s even a great time to learn a new language with Transparent Language.

Our story time is now available online every Wednesday through Facebook

Books & Bites – Book Club has moved to its new online format to learn more about this head to the library’s web page

For our history buffs our library team is actively working on multiple local studies projects including cataloguing hundreds of Lithgow Mercury Library photographs, which can be view through our library’s online catalogue.

Although our doors are temporality closed, our library team is still available for assistance and your information request which can be emailed to [email protected] or phone the library on 6352 9100