Changing Faces- Reframing Women in Local Democracy
Bayside City Council 30 Apr 2020

Bayside City Council is proud to present Changing Faces: Reframing Women in Local Democracy online. This exhibition celebrates the contribution women make to the municipality of Bayside and encourages women to get involved in local democracy.

Funded by VicHealth under the Gender Equality and the Arts grants program, this powerful project celebrates 171 amazing local women who have been nominated by the community in recognition of their contribution and leadership.

Meet the participants

Portraits of former Mayors that usually adorn Bayside City Council Chambers have been temporarily replaced with portraits of women who contribute to Bayside.

In Bayside City Council’s 161 year history, only 15 female mayors have been elected, and this project aims to highlight the historic under-representation of females on Council, both in the past and present.

Visit the online exhibition

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