The latest confirmed case of COVID-19 in Rockhampton is concerning however Livingstone Shire Council is encouraging the community not to panic and to get tested if you develop any symptoms of the virus.

Queensland’s Chief Health Officer has today confirmed a staff member at a North Rockhampton Nursing Centre tested positive for COVID-19 last night and is now in quarantine.

Staff, residents and those in close contact with the facility are being tested and a rapid response team from Brisbane has been sent to Rockhampton to help manage the case.

It is estimated the employee may have been infectious since early May.

“The most important thing our community can do at this point, is to get tested if you feel unwell,” Mayor Andy Ireland said.

“If you develop any of the COVID-19 symptoms including; a fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, you should call your doctor to arrange to be tested immediately.

“This is an important lesson that we have not beaten the virus and should not become complacent.

“Council encourages the community to stay up to date with the latest advice and information from Queensland Health.”

Council wishes to remind the community that the Yeppoon Lagoon and Keppel Kraken will remain closed until further notice.

All public playgrounds, skate parks and public toilets are still due to open from midnight tonight (15 May) which is in line with advice from the Queensland Government, however, we will continue to monitor this in light of recent developments.

“We strongly urge the community to maintain social distancing, good hygiene and common sense to limit the spread of the virus,” Mayor Andy Ireland said.

If you’re seeking 24/7 health advice call 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84).

Visit the Queensland Health website for the most up-to-date health advice about COVID-19 in Queensland.

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