Level 3 water restrictions will be in place for Nimmitabel residents from 12pm on Friday 22 May.

Due to the prolonged dry weather conditions, flows to the Lake Wallace Dam and into the Maclaughlin River have ceased. The recent cooler weather has not resulted in rain falling in the Nimmitabel Catchment, meaning less available water at the Nimmitabel water supply systems and reservoirs.

These restrictions will apply to all properties connected to the Nimmitabel water supply scheme. Water restrictions will be in place until the catchment receives significant rainfall. Higher levels of restrictions may be enforced if the water consumption in Nimmitabel does not decrease.

Level 3 water restrictions will be enforced from 12pm Friday 22 May until further notice, with the measures aimed at eliminating all but essential outdoor water use.

To ensure continuity of supply under Level 3 Restrictions there will need to be a significant drop in water use. Residents should be aiming to use 205 litres per person per day or less.

Under Section 637 of the Local Government Act 1993, a person who wilfully or negligently wastes or misuses water from the public water supply, or causes any such water to be wasted, is guilty of an offence for which the maximum penalty is a fine of $2,200.

As Council increases the amount of bore water used to ensure continuity of the town’s supply, residents may notice increased hardness in water quality. The drinking water supplied will continue to meet strict Australian Drinking Water Guidelines.

A list of the activities now restricted can be found on Council’s website or by contacting Council on 1300 345 345. A letterbox drop will occur for residents connected to the Nimmitabel water supply.

To apply for an exemption please email [email protected]

For any enquiries regarding these restrictions please contact 1300 345 345.

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