Bushfire affected landholders in the Snowy Monaro are encouraged to participate in an informative webinar to learn more about the clean-up process being undertaken by Laing O’Rourke.

An update on the region’s bushfire clean-up process will be provided by a Laing O’Rourke representative with the company working alongside affected residents to remove damaged buildings and structures.

Join Snowy Monaro Regional Council Mayor Peter Beer and Bushfire Recovery Officer Andrea Forsyth, along with representatives from Council’s building and certification team, and resource and waste team.

Webinar participants will also hear from BlazeAid representatives and Salvation Army rural chaplains.

The session will be held on Thursday 28 May from 5.30pm.

Join online - SMRC webinar - register in advance for this webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN__yPS40vCT_WMc2iiLNEqnw

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. If you prefer to call in, you will receive the number in the confirmation email.

Landholders are encouraged to participate by submitting questions (ahead of the session) at the link provided above.

The webinar will be posted to Council’s website and the Snowy Monaro Bushfire Recovery Facebook group.

For more information call 1300 345 345 and ask to speak to the Recovery Team.

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