Livingstone Shire Council has recently installed numerous surveillance cameras at illegal dumping hotspots across the shire in an effort to stop waste destroying our natural environment.

Council was successful in gaining a Litter and Illegal Dumping Project Grant through the Queensland Department of Environment and Science, which has fully funded the equipment.

Water, Waste Management and Environment Portfolio holder, Councillor Andrea Friend, said areas such as Ritamada Road, wetlands and other natural areas are being closely monitored to catch offenders.

“It’s really disappointing that we continue to have cases of illegal dumping across our beautiful shire,” Cr Friend said.

“This grant has helped Council boost its surveillance capacity in hotspots which will send a strong message that illegal dumping is not acceptable and you will be caught.

“If you have rubbish you need to get rid of, the appropriate thing to do is to use Council’s waste facilities.”

Residents are warned they could face on-the-spot fines ranging from $266 to more than $2,500 and repeat offenders dumping dangerous goods could face penalties of more than $100,000.

Council is also in the process of organising signage to be erected around the shire to raise awareness of the issue.

Residents can contact Council to report illegal dumping on 07 4913 5000 or alternatively, report an incident online at

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