Under the State Government’s proposed planning reform package, local governments would no longer be involved in some major planning and development proposals.

City of Wanneroo Mayor Tracey Roberts urged the State Government to work together with local governments on the proposed reforms.

“The City of Wanneroo welcomes the intention of a planning reform that creates a faster and more flexible planning system for the community, but not to the detriment of local community consultation,” Mayor Roberts said.

“Local governments have a crucial role to play in ensuring any proposed planning changes, take into consideration local views, issues and expectations. The proposed reforms centralise decision-making and remove local council representatives from the determination.

“There is also no evidence to suggest the proposed centralised decision making process will provide a more responsive or streamlined outcome. Many local governments, such as the City of Wanneroo are already doing an outstanding job at efficiently processing applications,” Mayor Roberts said.

The 2018/2019 WALGA Performance Report notes that the City of Wanneroo processed 98 per cent of all planning applications within statutory timeframes.

City of Wanneroo residents should note that the proposed reform has not yet passed Parliament and that the current planning and building processes will continue unless the legislation is passed.

Numerous planning and building projects, including those carried out by homeowners, at present may not require City of Wanneroo approval and residents are encouraged to call the City’s Planning team on 9405 5000 for advice and information.


The full range of State Government’s proposed changes and supporting information is available on the Department of Planning Lands and Heritage website.

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