Livingstone Shire Councillors have this afternoon voted at a special meeting to immediately apply to the Queensland Government to move the region’s show public holiday from 12 June 2020 to Friday 14 August 2020.

Mayor Andy Ireland said after recent community feedback, Council launched an online poll and the results were overwhelmingly in support of changing the date.

“There was roughly 1,700 votes and 67 per cent of people voted in favour of moving the public holiday to 14 August whereas 33 per cent were against the move,” Mayor Ireland said.

“The poll was a result of recent community feedback asking if Council would consider applying to move the holiday to a later date in light of COVID-19 restrictions potentially easing after July and therefore allowing wider travel opportunities and more businesses to be in full operation.

“The opportunity here is that more people may travel to various parts of our shire when more of our businesses will be open, potentially providing a significant economic uplift for the shire as a whole.

“We recognise there are arguments for and against but have ultimately voted in favour of what the majority of residents are asking for.”

Council will now apply to the State Government to move the public holiday to 14 August and will keep residents informed of the outcome, as the final decision lies with the Minister for Industrial Relations.

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