An easing of COVID-19 restrictions will see Snowy Monaro Regional Library re-open its doors from Monday 1 June.

Library lovers are set to return to the Bombala and Cooma libraries with social distancing measures in place to ensure community and staff safety.

To keep the libraries COVID-19 safe, visitors will be limited to half-hour sessions and numbers will be monitored by library staff.

At the Cooma Library, only one person will be allowed to move between the bookshelves at once. In the communal reading areas, a total of 20 people will be permitted to sit and read their favourite book.

The majority of services will still be available for library users, however, staff will not be able to provide one-on-one assistance due to social distancing requirements.

The Bombala Library will operate to its normal opening hours, while the Cooma Library will open between 10am to 3pm weekdays. Starting on Tuesday 2 June, the mobile library will visit Jindabyne with its regular schedule resuming.

Snowy Monaro Regional Library Manager Pam Veiss is looking forward to welcoming library patrons back through the doors.

“Libraries are people places and we are excited the community can once again visit a library,” Ms Veiss said.

“Safety measures are in place to ensure we are all safe and I encourage people to follow the distancing guidelines.”

Staff will maintain strict cleaning practices to comply with NSW Health guidelines and patrons are asked to stand on floor markers if required to queue. Patrons are asked to delay their library visit if they are feeling unwell. Hand sanitiser will be provided with the community encouraged to use the sanitiser upon entry and exit of the library.

Snowy Monaro Regional Library is maintaining its popular online programmes, including the click and collect service.

“In the past weeks, we have seen incredible support from the community with many new members joining online. Many people have taken advantage of all of our 24/7 services as well as enjoying our virtual storytimes and videos,” Ms Veiss said.

For further information about Snowy Monaro Regional Library, please call 6455 1730 or email [email protected]

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