Council has completed two major pedestrian upgrades for roundabouts in Bay Street Brighton.

As businesses start to reopen, we are pleased to report that works in Bay Street Village have been completed on schedule. 

While the roads were quieter it provided a good opportunity to complete upgrades to improve safety for all roads users in Bay Street.

The intersection of Bay and Cochrane Street has been upgraded with new at-grade (at road level) pedestrian crossings with supporting speed humps, complete with drainage, concrete kerbs, signage and line marking upgrades. 

The COVID-19 restrictions also provided the opportunity to rectify the height of the raised pedestrian crossings at the intersection of Bay and Asling Streets that had not been constructed as per the civil design plans. 

These crossings have now been reconstructed at a lower height and will enable vehicles and buses to safely manoeuvre through this intersection. 

Raised crossings have been reinstalled at this intersection due to the close proximity to the aged care facility. These crossings are better suited for pedestrians with mobility impairments as the crossings connect to footpaths and do not require the use of a pram ramp. 

Council would like thank traders and residents for their patience during the works.

Bay and Cochrane Streets intersection

Bay and Asling Streets intersection