Council has formally adopted its 10-year Corporate Plan, formulated to focus on the goals of the community and guide strategic direction, operational activities and the annual budget.

Mayor Andy Ireland said aligning the 10-year horizon to other key strategic documents is an approach unique to Livingstone, built organically from community and broad workforce engagement.

“A whole of community planning process was undertaken in 2019 to develop the Livingstone Community Plan: Towards 2050,” Mayor Ireland said.

“This plan has provided the foundations from which the newly elected Council will operate. Council remains committed to working diligently to achieve our community’s aspirations and to respect, protect and promote human rights in our decision-making and activities.

“Council’s Corporate Plan 2030 has been developed out of an internal engagement process where organisational leaders reviewed community goals and strategies and established priorities for Council for the next 10-years.

Deputy Mayor Adam Belot said one particular challenge Council faces is supporting development and growth that complements our Shire, enhances our strong sense of place and encourages staged and sustainable growth to support a strong future for residents.

“However this plan provides commitment to progressing our community vision through priority projects, responsive services and accountable and transparent practices,” Cr Belot said.

“Another important component of the Corporate Plan is the recent inclusion of hazard reduction strategies to ensure the protection of people, property and the environment, which will assist in the conservation of natural assets and green corridors within the Shire.

“Essentially this strategy identified within the plan is a significant step toward vegetation management that draws on the practices of the Traditional owners and endorsed conservation practices.

“We live in a beautiful Shire that offers so much to residents and visitors alike. Its natural beauty, combined with contemporary recreational opportunities all contribute to Livingstone’s unique character.”

The plan will assist Council to monitor performance, remain on track and meet Council’s legislative requirements of the Local Government Act 2009 and will be reviewed within six months of each election cycle.

The document can be viewed at

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