The Yeppoon Lagoon and Keppel Kraken will be reopened to the public from Saturday 6 June, with COVID-19 restrictions in place.

The facilities were closed in March at the direction of the Queensland Government to help prevent the spread of coronavirus.

Councillor Tanya Lynch said in light of the State Government’s easing of restrictions to 20 person gatherings from Monday 1 June, Livingstone Shire Council had decided to reopen the facilities.

“The Yeppoon Lagoon will be open for a maximum of 20 swimmers at any one time,” Cr Lynch said.

“Patrons intending to swim will need to report to the registration area located on the southern side of the Café so swimmer numbers can be recorded and monitored.

“We’re asking the community to please be respectful of the restrictions which are in place to keep us all safe.

The Lagoon’s Change Village and Open Shower Area will remain closed but toilets will be open.

The Keppel Kraken will also be reopened for 20 patrons at a time however Council will not be actively monitoring numbers at this facility so common sense should be exercised.

Community showers remain closed but toilets are open.

The public is being reminded to practise good hygiene, maintain social distancing of 1.5 metres and to stay home if unwell.

For more health advice, please visit Queensland Health’s website:

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