Have your say on ageing well in Cardinia Shire

Cardinia Shire Council is now inviting feedback on the draft Ageing Well Strategy 2019–25.

The strategy is Council’s five-year plan to support older residents to be healthy, active, stay socially connected and participate fully in the community.

To help draft the strategy and make sure it reflected the needs of seniors, extensive community consultation took place in 2019 with stakeholders including community groups, service providers and state and federal government agencies.

It covers areas including physical and mental health and wellbeing, education, employment, safety, social inclusion and cohesion, community and health services, communication and information, and outdoor spaces and places.

Cardinia Shire Mayor Councillor Jeff Springfield said the draft strategy “provides a clear roadmap for what Council will do to keep building a community that’s accessible, promotes health and wellbeing, and provides opportunities for connection for Cardinia Shire’s rapidly growing ageing population.

“The draft strategy was created in close consultation with older residents in Cardinia Shire, so we hope it truly reflects the needs and aspirations of older residents.

“The seniors who were consulted prior to the strategy being drafted provided valuable insights from their lived experience,” Cr Springfield said.

“We’re especially grateful to the Age Friendly Alliance group, Council’s peer consultative committee representing older people throughout the shire, for their contribution to this plan.

“Council supports our residents to have a voice and get involved in community life, and we anticipate this strategy will further support our older residents to do just that.”

Council’s commitment to making Cardinia Shire a great place for people to live well as they age was recognised when it became a member of the World Health Organisation’s Age Friendly Cities in 2016.

Residents can have their say on the draft Ageing Well Strategy 2019–25 in any of the following ways:

The consultation closes at 5pm on Friday 26 June 2020.

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