Published on 11 June 2020
The Warragul and Drouin Precinct Structure Plans (PSPs) are being reviewed to improve their efficiency and achieve better development outcomes.
Council has prepared a Draft Warragul and Drouin PSP Review Report outlining recommended changes to the PSPs to improve implementation and outcomes.
Community feedback is now being sought on the draft report and recommended changes to identify further changes required to the PSPs to enhance their efficiency and to achieve quality development outcomes while protecting the rural character and unique natural assets of Baw Baw.
What is a PSP?PSPs are higher-level masterplans for identified growth areas providing guidance for accommodating and managing growth. PSPs also inform long-term infrastructure investments and service provision required for the growing communities and neighbourhoods.
The strategic framework outlined in PSPs inform the planning provisions in local planning schemes and guides land use and development that will occur over a long period of time within the PSP areas.
PSPs also provide strategic direction for a range of aspects – including housing, township character, neighbourhood centres, biodiversity, natural systems, bushfire management, open space, community facilities, transport and movement and utility provision.
Why are we reviewing the PSPs?The purpose of the PSP review is to identify and document the issues and shortcomings of the current PSPs. The review provides recommendations for changes required to enhance the performance and efficiency of the PSPs to achieve the intended outcomes suitable for peri-urban areas like Warragul and Drouin. The review also identifies errors and anomalies within the PSPs that require correction.
The current Warragul and Drouin PSPs were prepared by the former Metropolitan Planning Authority (MPA) in consultation with Council, State agencies and other stakeholders. The PSPs and Amendment C108 to the Baw Baw Planning Scheme that introduced the Urban Growth Zone (UGZ) to the PSP areas were approved in October 2014.
Since 2014, development within the PSP areas have been occurring at a rapid rate. There are concerns from the development industry, some State agencies and planners of the difficulties using the current PSPs. Local communities are also concerned with the suburban-type developments that are occurring which compromise the unique rural character and natural environment of Baw Baw.
Given the rapid rate of growth already occurring and compromised outcomes in some areas, the need to review the PSPs has become necessary.
Council has committed to review and enhance the performance and efficiency of the PSPs to ensure orderly development outcomes that better align with current requirements and community sentiments.
What is not included in the review?The review did not analyse the strategic directions within the PSPs nor the reasons for such directions including the appropriateness of the Urban Growth Zone and its footprint, which are considered to be non-negotiable and cannot be changed by Council.
Similarly, the review did not examine the Development Contributions Plans (DCPs) applied to the PSP areas, which are currently being reviewed separately. On completion of the DCP review, associated changes to the PSPs may also be required.
Have your sayTo review the Draft Warragul and Drouin PSP Review Report and provide your feedback, go to
This consultation opportunity is now open for six weeks from Thursday 11 June – Wednesday 22 July 2020.
Following this consultation period, Council Officers will assess all feedback, make appropriate changes to the draft report and submit the recommendations to Council regarding potential changes to the PSPs.
It is anticipated further changes to the PSP review report will be required after the consultation period. Any feedback received may also be used as advocacy for further changes.
Ultimately changes to the PSPs will have to be approved by the Minister for Planning as the changes will require a formal Amendment to the Baw Baw Planning Scheme, the planning scheme amendment process will include further public exhibition and Council approval.
Quotes attributable to Mayor Cr Danny Goss“This review is our chance to improve and align the PSPs with current needs and aspirations for residential developments in Drouin and Warragul. We’re also aiming to better address other important issues such as vegetation protection, preservation of rural character and interface issues with farming zones.”
“We highly encourage the community to get involved in this important review process and have their say.”