Council is continuing its commitment to engage with our communities as it launches a new and important programme known as Resident Reach.

Council has built the online engagement platform in an effort to better understand the needs of all its localities.

Mayor Andy Ireland said as a newly formed Council, Resident Reach is an opportunity for Council to meaningfully engage with our communities, from The Caves to Nerimbera and Byfield to the Keppel Islands.

“I can say unreservedly that all of your Councillors are committed to a whole-of-Shire approach, which includes getting residents’ opinions on different issues and making sure all residents feel welcome and have the opportunity to share their thoughts and concerns,” Mayor Ireland said.

“Resident Reach was established in order to firstly, keep you updated with Council information and secondly, to provide a platform to hear your ideas, stories and aspirations, without having to wait for a meeting in your locality.

“Our Engagement Team along with myself and Councillors will also be attending events and functions in your locality in future, as COVID restrictions continue to ease. If you have an event that you would like us to attend, please tell us so we can schedule it into our calendars.

“Resident Reach details can be found on Council’s online engagement platform, Get Involved, where residents can ask questions, share information about their locality, tell Council their ideas and convey stories about their local community.

“This is your page and we want to hear from you.”

To find out more please visit

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