In an effort to help bring the community together, Council is encouraging residents to showcase their creative DIY projects or new hobbies during the COVID-19 restrictions as part of a new online competition, COVID Creations!

Portfolio holder of Water, Waste Management and the Environment, Councillor Andrea Friend said as we all know, the COVID-19 global health crisis has been a very stressful and challenging time for the community, with most residents isolating at home for long periods.

“However, we also know that the Livingstone community spirit has shone through in these tough times, with many innovative individuals and families putting their creative hats on in a variety of interesting ways,” Cr Friend said.

“Residents have been busy in the garden, producing arts and crafts, taking up photography, learning a new skill or hobby and who knows what other fun and interactive creations are out there,” Cr Friend said.

“The COVID Creations competition is a great opportunity for these households to be able to show the community their creative boredom busters.

“Entrants are also encouraged to tell us the story behind their creations or new-found hobbies, skills and talents, including what they have learned, have been inspired by and their motivation to make use of their new-found hobbies and talents in future post COVID-19.”

Entries will be judged on (but not limited to) – creativity, innovation, sustainability, dedication, and uniqueness.

Entries now open and close Sunday 28 June 2020 at 5pm.

Prizes: First prize – $500 Keppel Cash Card Second Prize – $250 Keppel Cash Card Third Prize – $100 Keppel Cash Card

Winners will be announced on Livingstone Shire Council's Facebook page on Wednesday, 1 July.

For more information and to enter, please visit

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