Local soccer, cricket and rugby league and touch footy players and their supporters are cheering for the new sports amenity building just completed and opened in Nolan Reserve, North Manly.

Council replaced the old middle and south amenities buildings which were no longer fit for purpose and very run down with a new 300-square-metre single-storey building that boasts improved accessibility. 

The adjacent bitumen court has also been upgraded into eight new cricket nets with a new basketball court expected to be completed in July (weather permitting).

The new building has been designed with everyone in mind and includes two new changerooms, which give both female and male players equal access to this space as well as accessible toilets available to the public. There are 124 metres of accessible pathways to ensure that everyone can enjoy this new facility.

The new canteen and a BBQ entertaining area means sports clubs can host events and feed spectators, raising much-needed funds. They also benefit from 64 square metres of storage room.

Spectators will love the 120 metres of tiered seating that gives a great view over the many fields at this sportsground.

This stands as the third sports amenity building opened by Council in the past two months. This helps our local sporting clubs manage growing numbers of community sport participants and adds to the growing list of high-quality sports facilities across the Beaches.