Works are underway to renew the edging of the granitic sand paths near the rotunda in Sandringham.
We are replacing the existing pathway kerbs which, in some locations, have become buried under sand. This will restore the integrity and definition of the pathways and protect against natural erosion. These works form part of Council’s Sandringham Beach and Gardens Masterplan.
Works to revitalise this popular foreshore walking trail will take place between Melrose Street and Bay Road from Monday 22 June 2020 for two weeks, weather permitting. There will be no works during weekends.
The path closest to Beach Road between the Sandringham Life Saving Club and the rotunda will be closed during works, with the adjacent pathways open for pedestrians. The paths south of the rotunda will remain open with temporary fencing erected to safely separate pedestrians from the works site. There will be no changes to the width of the pathways.