TimeoutClient did not get response within #1000 ms Gannawarra Shire - Draft Domestic Wastewater Management Plan feedback deadline extended 2020
Draft Domestic Wastewater Management Plan feedback deadline extended

Published on 23 June 2020

Gannawarra Shire Council has extended the opportunity for residents to have their say on the draft version of Council’s Domestic Wastewater Management Plan 2020-2024.

The 57-page document, first placed on public display in March 2020, outlines Council’s obligations to prevent public health risk and contamination of the environment from the disposal of domestic wastewater.

The plan will assist Council with the assessment of domestic wastewater systems currently operating or intending to be installed within the municipality, as well as outlines appropriate strategies and actions to manage any issues relating to onsite wastewater management.

“Council is required by legislation to have such a plan in place and to approve and regulate any onsite wastewater management systems, such as septic tanks, that generate less than 5000 litres per day,” Council Chief Executive Officer, Tom O’Reilly said.

“A Domestic Wastewater Management Plan helps guide consistent decision making when Council’s delegated officers are assessing applications to install or alter domestic wastewater systems. The plan also supports planning decisions to reduce or minimise future impacts from domestic wastewater.

“Council has extended public comments on the Draft Domestic Wastewater Management Plan 2020-2024 after Coronavirus-related restrictions limited the opportunity for residents to view the document and have their say.”

Copies of the Draft Wastewater Management Plan 2020-2024 can be inspected online at www.gsc.vic.gov.au/publicnotices

Feedback will be accepted up to 5pm on Friday, 24 July 2020 in writing via email to council@gannawarra.vic.gov.au; by post to PO Box 287, Kerang VIC 3579; or online at www.gsc.vic.gov.au/publicnotices