The latest round of Snowy Monaro Regional Council’s donations and sponsorship program will see $50,000 shared amongst our region’s community organisations.

Dozens of community groups will have their projects and events supported between July and December 2020.

At last week’s Ordinary Council Meeting, Councillors determined the successful applicants for round two of Council’s donation and sponsorship program. Organisations across the region will be assisted including Lake Jindabyne Sailing Club, Delegate Progress Association, Rotary Club of Cooma, and the Michelago Region Community Association.

A list of the organisations successful in securing funding through this round is available on Council’s website -

“I am pleased dozens of community groups in the region will be supported through the latest round of Council’s donations and sponsorship program,” Snowy Monaro Regional Council Mayor Peter Beer said.

“We know how wonderful our community organisations are and it is important we support their hard work.”

Amongst the successful applicants is the Monaro Community Access Service who will receive $2000 to create and post 50 wellness packs as part of their ‘let’s be mindful’ program.

Ongoing support has been provided to Snowy’s Place with the organisation successful in their $5,000 request for financial assistance. Snowy’s Place will continue providing meals on a Monday to those in need of a hot lunch. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the organisation is also looking at home delivery options.

Applications for the next round of Council’s donation and sponsorship program will be accepted later this year and the closing date will be posted on Council’s website and social media pages.

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