Snowy Monaro Regional Council has adopted its 2021 Operational Plan and will implement the recommended 2.6 percent rate peg increase.

At the June Ordinary Council Meeting, Councillors voted in favour of accepting the State Government’s standard 2.6 percent rate peg increase for the 2020/21 financial year.

The adopted 2021 Operational Plan sets out Council’s direction, priorities and service delivery for the coming financial year. The plan also incorporates the 2021 Revenue Policy and the 2021 Schedule of Fees and Charges. These documents include a range of initiatives to be undertaken during the next 12 months that encourage regional economic growth.

“Our Operational Plan and budget have been structured around pushing back the need for any additional increases above the rate peg increase,” Snowy Monaro Regional Council Mayor Peter Beer said.

“Council’s financial position needs to be addressed as we cannot continue to spend more funds than we receive.

“However, there is enough stress on the finances of individuals and businesses at the moment that clearly Council needs to minimise the impact it will have on our residents and business operators.”

Land values recently issued by the Valuer General of NSW have shown large variations across the Snowy Monaro local government area. These valuations are set by the Valuer General and not by Council although they are reflected in your rates

Increased land values don’t increase the overall revenue received by Council but they do change how the rates charges are distributed among ratepayers.

If you would like to lodge an objection to your latest property valuation with the NSW Valuer General you can do so at the following link -

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