Cat and dog lifetime registration fees will increase from 1 July 2020 and New Annual Permit requirements for owners of undesexed cats dangerous and restricted dogs will be introduced.

From 1 July 2020, the Companion Animal Registration Fees will change and  annual permits will be required for undesexed cats and dangerous/restricted dogs.

The new Companion Animal Registration fee structure set down by the State Government is as follows:

Registration Type Cat Dog Entire (that is, not desexed) Please note annual permits are required for cats - see below. $50 $216 Desexed (sterilisation certificate required) $50 $60 Desexed owned by eligible pensioners(pension card and sterilisation certificate required) $26 $26 Desexed animal purchased from a Council pound, animal shelter, or rehoming organisation with a Clause17 (1)(c) after 30/10/15 (adoption paperwork and sterilization certificate required) $25 $30

Animal is not desexed and kept by a recognised breeder for breeding purposes (Current RNSWCC membership, pedigree certificate and letter stating the animal will be kept for breeding purposes is required)

$50 $60

 A late fee of $17 is also applicable if the registration fee has not been paid 28 days after the date on which the companion animal was required to be registered. 

If you have any questions regarding registration, you can contact Council on 02 4645 4000, or see our Registration page.

Annual Permit Requirements

The requirement for dog and cat owners to get an annual permit for their entire cat, Dangerous and Restricted dog will come into effect on 1 July 2020.

From 1 July 2020, owners of cats not desexed by four months of age will be required to pay an $80 annual permit fee, in addition to their one-off lifetime pet registration fee. The intent of this change is to create a stronger incentive for new cat owners to de-sex their cats to limit cat straying and potential for unwanted cat litters.

Exemptions are in place for cats that are registered by 1 July 2020, those kept for breeding purposes by members of recognised breeding bodies, and cats which cannot be desexed for medical reasons.

In addition, from 1 July 2020 owners of dogs of a restricted breed or that have been declared as dangerous will be required to pay a $195 annual permit fee in addition to their one-off lifetime pet registration fee. This will serve as a further disincentive to owning high-risk dogs and encourage dog owners to better manage the behaviour of their animal.

From 1 July 2020, pet owners will be able to pay for annual permits using the NSW Pet Registry website or through their local council.

For more information regarding annual permits, visit the Office of Local Government website.

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