Blacktown City Council Winter School Holiday Guide
Blacktown City 1 Jul 2020

Blacktown City Council's School Holiday Guide has some great suggestions for families looking for activities over these school holidays.

Visit some of our great local attractions including the new Sydney Zoo, Featherdale Wildlife Park and Sydney Premier Karting Park (Eastern Creek). 

Our Family Fish-in is back, and there's some great resources with activities to do at home from our Blacktown City Libraries and The Leo Kelly Blacktown Arts Centre!

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, we have all been spending more time at home with the children.

Blacktown City Council has teamed up with well-known author Lou Harvey-Zahra to give you some simple free, fun activities to help bring laughter, fun and connection to your home.

This will be held over 2 weekends on Friday 7 - Saturday 8 August and Friday 14 - Saturday 15 August 2020.

600 Trout will be game for all of those fishing enthusiasts wanting to hook the perfect catch. All you need to bring is your own fishing rod, fishing line and bait!

Tickets cost $15 per station and will be available from Tuesday 7 July 2020 on the Council website.

Please note, due to COVID-19 restrictions and to keep our staff and community safe, it will be strictly only 1 person per station.

If you'd like to receive future editions of our School Holiday Guide directly to your inbox, subscribe now at

STEM Activities 

STEM stands for the academic disciplines of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. STEM is an extremely important part of a child’s development across all age groups.

The Kids’ Early Learning Ready for Life program has several identified key learning areas to aid the natural curiosity of a child’s learning journey. The Ready for Life program supports children’s key development areas and provides a range of experiences and learning opportunities to help them reach their full potential.

Here are some basic STEM activities you can do at home. Teaching STEM in the early years enables children to develop their critical thinking, creativity, design and problem solving skills. 

All age groups: balloon painting

Start by filling up some water balloons (don’t fill too much as they may pop while painting). Lay paper down and secure the corners so the wind doesn’t blow the paper away. Dip the balloons in paint and get busy Allow the artwork to completely dry before moving them. 

 (Sourced from 

Ages 4+: slime bubbles

What you will need:

White Glue Baking Soda Food Colouring Contact Solution Body Oil Straws


Start by mixing the glue (1/2 cup) and baking soda (1/2 tsp) and food colouring (if you want your slime to be a specific colour). Mix these ingredients until full mixed and colour is solid. Then add eye contact solution. We used about 2 tablespoons of contact solution (keep adding until the slime stops sticking to the side of the bowl). Add a few drops of oil. The oil is not necessary, but helps keep the slime from sticking to your hands. You should now be able to stretch and play with the slime. To make bubbles, lay the slime flat on a table or flat surface, insert a straw and blow. See what's new at Sydney Zoo

Sydney Zoo is a world-class zoo in the heart of Western Sydney and is committed to inspiring action and educating guests on animal welfare and conservation.

Visit Sydney Zoo these school holidays and become a mini zookeeper for a day with a brand new school holiday program.

Plus, don’t miss the chance to get up close to meerkats with a brand new encounter. While you’re there, be sure to visit the newest arrivals – including 3 cheeky baboon babies and a pair of mischievous otters!

Did you know you can save up to 27% on day tickets when you buy online or become a member and enjoy unlimited entry from $99.

For more information, or to purchase tickets, visit

Blacktown City Libraries

DIY craft video: Vintage Paper Bowls


This project is perfect for repurposing some of those piles of papers around your home—magazines, old books or even wrapping paper! 

DIY craft video: sharpie tie dye


All it takes is a white t-shirt, sharpie permanent markers, and rubbing alcohol to make your own tie dye t-shirt!

Watch Michelle DIY video for step to step instructions and don’t forget to share your design with us on Blacktown City Libraries Facebook page.

Escape from Max Webber Library

OH NO! You just realised that you have fallen asleep in Max Webber Library. The library is closed and there is no one around. You need to find a way to get out.

Can you escape from Max Webber Library before you are stuck inside for the entire night?

Click here to try escape!

Photo challenge: with plastic construction bricks

Why not have a go at building an island with plastic construction bricks? There are great prizes to be won!  Once you have finished, take a photo and post it on the Blacktown City Libraries Facebook page. Don’t’ forget tag us as well!

Rules: Must be no bigger than 15” x 15” size board.

Competition closes on Sunday 19 July 2020 and winners will be announced on Friday 24 July 2020.

Letters From My Library

Are you aged between 3 – 8, and love to receive mail in the letter box?

Our children’s librarians are all missing you during this time and have written you 10 special letters, one for each week day of the school holidays. Each contains a letter from our librarians, stories, fun games and activities for you to do at home.

If you would like to receive Letters From My Library, all you need to do is ask your parents/carers to visit any of our libraries between 3 – 15 July to pick up a ‘Letters From My Library’ pack! 

Blacktown Arts Creative Holidays program

Join Blacktown Arts for our digital School holiday program going live from Wednesday 1 July!

This program will focus on keeping kids and young people busy and creative during their school holiday break.

We hope that our other public programs and workshops will return soon. In the meantime, keep up to date with what’s happening by checking out our program online program at or following us on Facebook.

Blacktown City Garden Competition

Spending time at home with the kids these school holidays? Why not spend time as a family getting your gardens ready for the Blacktown City Garden Competition!

There are a number of categories and prizes to be won! Applications open on Monday 20 July 2020 and will close on Friday 28 August 2020. For more information, visit
Featherdale Sydney Wildlife Park now open and welcoming visitors!

While Featherdale Sydney Wildlife Park has been closed, they have been busy preparing for the park to reopen and have implemented a few changes and new procedures that will help keep guests, staff and the animals safe.

Featherdale provides a home to over 2,000 Australian native animals from more than 260 different species. It is home to the world’s largest collection of Australian wildlife.

At Featherdale you will find the largest collection of koalas in New South Wales.

You will also find 3 open space enclosures filled with kangaroos and wallabies, as well as encounters with many other iconic Australian animals, such as dingos, echidnas, wombats, bilbies, Tasmanian devils, reptiles and a stunning collection of birds from Australia and around the world.

For more information on the changes, and to purchase tickets, click here.

You’re the Driver – online workshops 

Are you learning to drive or about to go for your L’s?

Join us for the popular 'You’re the Driver' workshops from wherever you are during the holidays!

We will be covering a wide range of information for all drivers including:

some of the frequently misunderstood road rules common driving mistakes reducing your crash risk and avoiding fines.

 There are two modules and each module will be presented on two different days, so be sure to book in for both modules on days that suit you.

For more information, or to book, click here.

Sydney Premier Karting Park (Eastern Creek)

Sydney Premier Karting Park (Eastern Creek) is the ultimate in outdoor racing!

With an outdoor track of over 700m, kids can feel like real racers, and have lots of fun!

There are karts for every age group! These include:

Double karts - 6+ years Cadet karts - 8+ years 6hp karts - 11 - 15 years

There are also adult karts if you're feeling the need for speed!

There are also adult karts if you're feeling the need for speed!

Mention this ad in the Blacktown City Council School Holiday Guide and receive $10 off 20 minute kids rides (usually $45).

Offer is only valid during the July school holidays.

For more information, click here.

Activities to do at home with the children
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