2020/2021 Operational Plan adopted
Yass Valley Council 10 Jul 2020
2020/2021 Operational Plan adopted

The 2020/2021 Operational Plan was adopted by councillors at the ordinary meeting of Yass Valley Council on Wednesday, 24 June.

The Operational Plan allocates responsibility for each project or activity to a program area of Council and is supported by Council’s annual budget, which outlines the capital works program and key infrastructure projects Council will carry out in that financial year.

Traditionally, Council has hit the road and held a series of public meetings in each of the towns and villages to present the Draft Operational Plan. The global COVID-19 health pandemic and broad Australian Government restrictions, however, meant Council had to be innovative and flexible in delivering the Draft Operational Plan through an alternative online format.

The Operational Plan was placed on public exhibition from 30 April to 27 May and includes Council’s detailed annual budget and Statement of Revenue Policy, including the proposed rates, fees and charges for the financial year.

Council also resolved to make the ordinary rates for 2020/21, which increased by 2.6 per cent in line with the Rates Cap set for Councils in NSW. The Special Rate Variation approved in 2016 has now ended.

Farmers base rate was set at $687, non-urban residential at $448, and residential at $681. The recent land valuation, carried out by the NSW Government Valuer General, has resulted in Farmland land values increasing on average 63 per cent. The Farmland rates installment for 2020/2021 has increased on average 2.2 per cent. 

Graph One HERE represents the average increase in land value compared to the average rates instalment increase. Graph 2 HERE represents the average rates instalment per category from 2019/2020 to 2020/2021. 

Land owners can apply to the Valuer General directly to have their land revaluation reviewed. Council has also recently updated its hardship policy in response to COVID-19 and anyone experiencing hardship can apply for assistance.

“We know that local people are doing it tough. Many small businesses were forced to shut their doors, or operate under significant restrictions. The COVID-19 crisis is unlike anything we’ve seen before and Councils have a part to play in supporting their residents get back on their feet during the road to recovery,” said Mayor Rowena Abbey.

The following are just some of the many projects that Council hopes to achieve through the delivery of the 2020/21 Operational Plan:

Nanima Road Rehabilitation works – project cost: $4.08 million. Shingle Hill Way upgrades – project cost: $4 million. Murrumbateman Winery Trail – project cost: $2.229 million. Yass Valley Way Rehabilitation – project cost: $1.85 million. Replacement of three timber bridges – project cost: $1.24 million. Climate and Natural Disaster Risk Assessment – project cost: $20,000.

“The focus on key infrastructure upgrades will continue in 2020/2021. In the past 12 months, 11 load-limited timber bridges have been replaced, resulting in significant economic benefit to the region’s connectivity. The next 12 months will see continuing upgrades to amenities, parks and sporting grounds; the completion and opening of the Yass to Murrumbateman Pipeline project; a renewed focus on road maintenance and grading works after a difficult drought; and the finalisation of Council’s design process for a new water treatment plan,” said Cr Abbey.

10 July 2020

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