Three key rural roads in Livingstone Shire have recently received sealing upgrades and widening, which is welcome news to residents who regularly travel these roads.

The $2.97m Greenlake Road project includes sealing 2 kilometres from Artillery Road, with works continuing on upgrading a further 2.5 kilometres, including its intersection with Lake Mary Road, funded by Council and the Australian Government’s Roads to Recovery Program providing $2,650,000.

Works have also commenced on the sealing of the intersection of Old Byfield Road and Lake Mary Rd, totalling $440,000 fully-funded by Council, while Bungundarra Road has undergone a $252,500 sealed curve widening to accommodate B-doubles, which was fully funded by the Australian Government’s Black Spot Program.

Portfolio holder of Transport (Roads, Drainage, Pathways), Councillor Glenda Mather, said these works were identified as important strategic upgrades to the Shire’s rural road network.

“Our Shire’s rural road network is expansive and covers a large portion of our region so it’s vital that these works are undertaken for our rural residents and motorists who regularly travel these roads,” Cr Mather said.

“These upgrades will not only enhance the accessibility and longevity of these roads but also their safety for all road users.

“Council would like to thank the Australian Government for its funding support towards these roadworks, which demonstrates a great example of what can be achieved when government, community and industry all work in partnership to play a role in ensuring a safe and reliable road network.”

Council is also about to commence work on Stage 2 of the Adelaide Park Road Reconstruction, from the St Brendan’s College drop-off area to Panorama Drive, including upgrades to the Noon Drive Intersection.

Residents have been informed of the works, which are fully funded by Council and is expected to be completed in three months, subject to weather conditions.

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