Steers top at 414c, average 396c/$893 at Charters ...
Boulia Shire Council 20 Jul 2020

Charters Towers combined agents yarded 2222 head at Friday's store sale, consisting of 1140 steers, 76 mickeys, 970 heifers and 30 cows and calves. The yarding was drawn from Mt Isa, and Boulia to the west, Mt Coolum to the south as well as local and coastal areas.

Store cattle were of good quality, with the better quality and weight selling to a firmer market and the tail losing another 3-5c in both heifers and steers.

Steers under 200kg reached 394.2c to average 352.3c, steers 200 - 320kg sold to 414.2c, averaging 333c, steers 320 - 400kg topped at 345c and averaged 315.9c and steers over 400kg sold to 336.2c to average 326c. Mickeys under 450kg sold to 370.2c, averaging 315.2c. Heifers under 200kg topped at 306.2c and averaged 287.2c, heifers 200 - 320kg sold to 322.2c, averaging 286.7c, heifers 320 - 370kg made 319.2c to average 281.5c, and heifers over 370kg topped at 302.2c, averaging 302.2c.

A pen of seven Brahman steers a/c Robert Peace made 336.2c to average 416kg, returning an average of $1398/hd. A line of 180 steers a/c Mt McConnel topped 414.2c to average 396.6c, and weighed 225kg, returning an average of $893/hd. A good pen of six heifers on a/c BW and MI Landsberg made 322.2c, weighing 233kg returning an average of $751/hd.

A line of 182 heifers a/c Mt McConnel topped 319.2c to average 312.2c, and weighed 225kg, returning an average of $798/hd. 15 cows and calves sold a/c HM and AM Bode returned $1380/unit.