Wyndham City’s Large-Scale Solar and Lighting the West programs are complete for 2019/20, driving down emissions and saving community groups money on their power bills.
Environment and Sustainability portfolio holder Cr Heather Marcus said Council had installed solar panels on 13 community buildings and replaced the bulbs of almost 1500 streetlights with sustainable LED globes.
“These 13 new solar panel systems will save community groups – including sports groups, kindergartens and childcare operators – $2 million in power bills over their 20-year lifespan,” Cr Marcus said.
“In addition, they will prevent a whopping 443 tonnes of carbon dioxide from being released into the atmosphere each year.”
“As for the 1500 streetlights we have replaced with sustainable LEDs, they will reduce Council’s carbon emissions by 486 tonnes per year.”
“These crucial programs are playing an essential role in helping us reach our long-term goal of being carbon neutral.”
The Lighting the West and Large-Scale Solar programs have been running for five and six years respectively.
The figures above apply to the 2019/20 program only, with the accumulative emissions reduction over the lifetimes of the projects much higher.
Learn more: www.wyndham.vic.gov.au