Primary producers impacted by the 2019-20 bushfires will benefit from expanded eligibility for the $75,000 Special Disaster Recovery Grant and timeframe changes with small businesses also given more time to request support.

There will be some key eligibility criteria changes for the $75,000 recovery grant and include: •Removal of the off-farm income threshold where an applicant’s income from primary production is less than 50 per cent of their total income. •Allowing extra time for applicants to reach the 50 per cent income threshold in recognition of long lead times required by some sectors to reach full production. •Applicants are no longer required to be registered for GST but must still hold an ABN. •Businesses earning more than 50 per cent of their income from a combination of primary production and goods made directly from that produce will now be eligible for assistance.

Special disaster loan – bushfire: •Bushfire working capital loan - o$50,000 for essential expenses e.g. wages, rent, goods or services, fodder for livestock or transporting produce. oAvailable to primary producers, small businesses and not for profits that were directly impacted by the fire. •Bushfire Recovery loan - o$500,000 for larger investments e.g. replacing or repairing damaged infrastructure. oAvailable to primary producers, small businesses and not for profits that were directly impacted by the fire.

Applications for small business assistance in the form of $10,000 and $50,000 grants and concessional loans of up to $500,000 can now also be made up to 15 December 2020.

If you need support to apply for a grant or a loan please contact the Rural Financial Counselling Service, Louise Fletcher M: 0429 028 307 E: [email protected]

For more details see

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