Homelessness Week is a reminder to think about what having a home means and to consider what it might be like for those who don’t have them.
If there is one thing that the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted, it is the importance of a home.
Imagine life for those experiencing homelessness without a fixed home that’s safe, appropriate and comfortable.
Homelessness in AustraliaHomelessness does not just mean sleeping rough on the streets. In fact, rough sleeping only makes up around 7% of homelessness in Victoria while the remainder is ‘hidden homelessness’, that is, people sleeping in cars, rooming houses, couch surfing, or staying in other types of temporary accommodation.
The Australian Bureau of Statistics defines someone as homeless if their current living arrangement:
is in a dwelling that is inadequate; or has no tenure, or if their initial tenure is short and not extendable; or Does not allow them to have control of or, access to space for social relations.20% of Australia’s homeless population live in Victoria
Homelessness in Australia has increased by 13.7% in 5 years – 116,427 Australians have no home.
Homelessness in Australian women is up 9.5% in 5 years that’s 49,017 women in no shelter.
Every day, Australian homelessness services have to turn away 250 people.
Despite only making up 2.8% of the population, Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people represent 22% of the homeless population.
Homelessness in people aged 12-24 has increased by 9.9% in 5 years – That’s 27,683 young people without homes.
There has been a 28% increase in Australians aged 55 + experiencing homelessness- they are a rapidly growing age bracket.[i]
Homelessness in BaysideBayside is not unaffected by the growing issue of homelessness.
We’ve developed strong working partnerships with support agencies such as BayCISS, Monash Health, Launch Housing, Victoria Police and Community Connections, to work towards long term outcomes for those experiencing homelessness or rough sleeping in Bayside and surrounding Council areas.
If you are concerned about someone experiencing homelessness please call Council 9599 4444.
Everybody's HomeThe Everybody’s Home campaign is calling for national action to end homelessness. For more information visit the Everybody's Home website.
[i]Australian Bureau of Statistics 2018, Census reveals a rise in the rate of homelessness in Australia, Australian Bureau of Statistics, viewed 3 August 2020, <https://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs>