Due to COVID-19 restrictions and health considerations, there can no longer be consideration of informal camping around Jindabyne such as has occurred to date.

Effective Monday 17 August 2020, camping within Jindabyne, Tyrolean Village, East Jindabyne and Kalkite will be regulated. There will be no camping in carparks, streets, reserves and lake foreshore and new signage will reflect this. There will also be no stopping from 8pm – 6am at the Claypits Carpark.

Whilst the Claypits Carpark is not a formal campground, it is currently operating as one. Under the Public Health (COVID-19 Restrictions on Gathering and Movement) Order (No 4) 2020, a COVID-safe plan is required for a camping ground. There is no ability to provide a COVID-safe plan for the Claypits as a camping ground.

It is not possible for the Claypits to satisfy the requirements of a COVID-safe plan under the Public Health Order and therefore Council is obligated to introduce these regulations.

We have assessed alternatives and liaised with other Councils on this. This has included the review of paid permit systems but the current solution is to close off this area to any overnight parking.

The current volume of use has affected the public perception of the amenities and foreshore in particular, which is having a negative impact on a town whose tourism business levels have already been affected by bushfire, ongoing drought, snow season uncertainty and COVID-19.

The costs associated with cleaning and waste have dramatically increased with the influx of informal campers. Council thanks those campers who had been trying to keep the site clean and had been taking their rubbish to the landfill to lessen the impact.

No informal camping will be available for the remainder of this year (2020) and Council will further consider regulations after that.

Police and Rangers will patrol these areas and issue infringement notices. Fines will be in place for people failing to comply with the new signage that states no camping.

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