Friday 21 August 2020 – Recycling collection (Grenfell East)
Monday 24 August 2020 – Recycling collection (Grenfell West)
Street StallsIn recess due to COVID-19 Coronavirus restrictions.
Advertisements WEDDIN SHIRE SHOP LOCAL CAMPAIGNBusiness houses of Weddin Shire are hereby advised of a ‘Shop Local’ campaign that has been developed by Council and will launch in the coming weeks. The campaign will run until December and there will be monthly prize draws. The campaign will be supported by marketing aimed at encouraging residents and visitors to support small business by shopping locally.
All businesses in Weddin Shire are encouraged to participate, including businesses in all villages.
The campaign is free to enter; for each purchase a customer makes in a business they will receive one entry coupon. There is no minimum spend requirement to earn a coupon. The coupon needs to be completed with the name of the customer, the contact number for the customer and the name of the business where the purchase was made. At each monthly draw, prizes will be awarded to the customer and the business where the winning purchase was made.
The monthly prize money will be $100 for the customer and $100 for the business where the winning purchase was made. In December, the final month of the campaign, the prize money will be $250 for the customer and $250 for the business where the winning purchase was made.
All businesses that wish to participate should respond to Council’s Economic Development Officer, Ms Auburn Carr via Ph: 6343 2855 or Email: to ensure they receive a supply of entry coupons and information flyers. Please also advise if you wish to display an entry box for completed coupons.
Any questions regarding the campaign should be directed to Auburn.
DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL: DA 44/2020 Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979Council has received an Application for Shed over LOT: 17 SEC: E DP: 6279 Griffith Street GREENETHORPE 2809.
Inspection:The application DA 44/2020 for Shed (200m2) may be viewed between the hours of 9:00am - 4:00pm from 6 August 2020 to 21 August 2020 at Council’s Administration Office, Camp Street, Grenfell.
Submissions:Any person may make a submission in writing to the Consent Authority within the advertised period. Submissions objecting to the development are required to specify the grounds for objection.
Written submissions are to be received at Council by 4:00pm Friday, 21 August 2020.
Authorised by
PO Box 125