Details Last Updated: Tuesday, 18 August 2020 14:32 Published: Tuesday, 18 August 2020 14:21

Toowoomba Regional Council today (18 August) resolved to invite proponents to proceed to the next stage of the tender process for Council’s New Energy Generation project.

Toowoomba Region Mayor Paul Antonio said one company had been invited to progress to the next stage and two others were asked to provide additional information before moving to the next stage.

“I’m pleased with how the tender process is progressing,” Mayor Antonio said.

“We’re in the initial phase of a long-term, multi-stage project and Council is excited to be taking steps toward generating energy through its existing land and water assets.

“Council is keen to explore opportunities that successful proponents might offer, including a reduction in our energy costs.

“Technology considered as part of this project could deliver important environmental benefits to our Region, including reduced greenhouse emissions.

“The proponent proceeding to the next stage is BE Power and they are proposing to develop a pumped hydro energy storage facility.

“Pumped hydro energy storage works like a giant battery, storing energy for use at peak times.

“Excess energy could be used by Council facilities or fed back to the grid for community use. These options can be explored later in any potential energy project.

“If the project proceeds to delivery, Council will provide access to land and water assets and the successful company will develop the project, including providing necessary infrastructure.

“This project presents a major opportunity to boost our local economy, both during and after construction.”

For more information on the project, call Council on 131 872 and quote New Energy Generation project or email 

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